(928) 443-9290 • info@azautismascend.org


Educational Services

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We fully understand that you may have searched high and low for the perfect place for your child to receive the best care and education. At ASCEND, we are not just another choice, we are the answer for your child. Here are a list of services that we can help your child with to reach their highest potential:

Educational Services


Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Based Teaching Strategies

ABA is a research based teaching methodology, which is scientifically shown to produce the best teaching outcomes for students with autism and related disabilities when compared to other teaching models. Our staff is trained in ABA techniques and we implement ABA based teaching strategies during focused learning sessions.

Modified year round schedule of classes available to all students.

We offer a summer session to all of our students. Our summer session provides more classroom hours than most district ESY schedules. ASCEND’s summer session is independent from ESY determinations.

Occupational Therapy

Every student at ASCEND works with an occupational therapist weekly. Sensory integration therapy and fine motor activities are individualized and built into each students day.

Behavior Intervention Plans

Students that demonstrate challenging behaviors are afforded behavior intervention plans. We strive to increase all appropriate behaviors and help our students improve their self-regulation skills. We tend to have very good results when we target challenging behaviors.

Sensory Integration Diets

Our staff are well trained and with input from the parents can develop and implement an effective individualized sensory diet. Each students sensory diet is embedded in their routine and is a regular part of their day.

Board Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA) Evaluations (if needed)

We offer our students yearly BCBA evaluations to help target and implement the most appropriate IEP goals and teaching strategies, if team determines it is needed.

Speech Therapy

All of our students receive ongoing speech and language therapy. We work closely with speech therapists and integrate their advise into our daily interactions with our students.

Assistive Technologies

We assess all students for assistive devices to that may help them improve their learning outcomes. Our special education services implement a wide variety of assistive technologies. ASCEND utilizes iPad’s for students with augmentative communication needs. Prologue is our preferred augmentative communication application; however, we often work with a variety of other applications as well.

Vocational Transitioning

ASCEND provides all students with vocational transition planning and training. We want to make sure all of our students have a solid and smooth transition to life beyond school. ASCEND works with community organizations and businesses to provide vocational training opportunities based on student interest.

May the Force Be With You... Special Needs Prom

May the force be with you as you join us for an evening of food, dancing and fun. We invite all families with special needs members 14 and up to participate in this night of celebration. We ask that all members be accompanied by a family member as this is a family event.